Search for tag: "film and video terminology"
ORIE Colloquium on 9/30/2014 - Guanghui (George) Lan, Ph.D.: “Sparse” Computation of Gradients for Optimization with Large Data SetsTuesday, September 30, 2014 The last few years have seen an increasing interest in utilizing optimization for large-scale data analysis. However, optimization problems arising from these…
From E. Cornelius
98 plays
ORIE Colloquium, 2014-12-19 - Nathan Kallus: From Predictive to Prescriptive AnalyticsMany operational problems in data-rich environments can be characterized by three primitives: data on uncertain quantities of interest such as simultaneous demands, concurrent auxiliary data such as…
From E. Cornelius
193 plays
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Robert Daly - Hard Limits on Chinese Soft PowerHard Limits on Chinese Soft Power: Beijing won’t develop attractive power any time soon, and it doesn’t seem to mind Robert Daly was named the second director of the Kissinger Institute…
From E. Cornelius
29 plays
ORIE Colloquium on 11/8/2011 - Young-Hoon Park: Modeling Online Visitation and Conversion DynamicsTuesday 11/08/11 Young-Hoon Park, Johnson School, Cornell Modeling Online Visitation and Conversion Dynamics 253 Rhodes Hall 4:15 p.m.
From E. Cornelius
29 plays