57:27duration 57 minutes 27 seconds
Jill Powell's Engineering Library Training…
Jill Powell's Engineering Library Training 6/16/2020
Zoom Recording ID: 3036025581 UUID:…
01:26:20duration 1 hour 26 minutes
2019 Racker Lecure 11-21-2019 - Public Lecture
01:03:34duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Conbergence Thinking to Advance Sustainable Dairy…
Conbergence Thinking to Advance Sustainable Dairy Production Systems
Norman R. Scott, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,…
01:11:49duration 1 hour 11 minutes
From Einstein's Photoelectric Effect to Band…
From Einstein's Photoelectric Effect to Band Mapping. (Shen)
2019 Summer School
01:00:50duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Greatest Hits of MBE (Schlom)
2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation…
01:55:24duration 1 hour 55 minutes
20190710_SCT_David Damrosch
01:01:34duration 1 hour 1 minute
Linear Imaging Theory
2017 PARADIM Linear Imaging Theory Robert Hovden
37:27duration 37 minutes 27 seconds
58:17duration 58 minutes 17 seconds
CNF 25th Anniversary Celebration Keynote: Science…
CNF 25th Anniversary Celebration Keynote: Science and Technology: Their Role in Society
Science and Technology: Their Role in…