Search for tag: "semiconductor materials"

CNF 35th Anniversary Morning Talks

Roger Howe (Stanford) Neil Gershenfeld (MIT)

From  Karlis Musa 30 plays

CNF 35th Anniversary Welcome and Keynote

Welcoming Remarks, Dan Ralph and Don Tennant Keynote Speaker, Dr. William Brinkman (US DOE)

From  Karlis Musa 21 plays

CNF 35th Anniversary - Introductory Remarks

Welcoming Remarks - Don Tennant

From  Karlis Musa 6 plays


+59 More
From  James Overhiser 16 plays

Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE #1 (Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation slides

From  James Overhiser 545 plays

Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE #3—Epitaxy, Substrates, and Crystal Growth (Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation slides

From  James Overhiser 263 plays

Molecular Beam Epitaxy of High Mobility ZnO-based Heterostructures (Falson)

2019 Cornell Summer School

From  James Overhiser 318 plays

Greatest Hits of MBE (Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation slides

+116 More
From  James Overhiser 523 plays

PARADIM 2018 Lecture 5.1 - Band structure and optical spectra.mp4

From  James Overhiser 22 plays

Valence EELS, High Energy Resolution

2017 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Low loss EELS David Muller

From  James Overhiser 164 plays

Core Loss EELS, EDX

2017 PARADIM Core loss EELS Lena Kourkoutis

From  James Overhiser 122 plays

Introduction to EELS (Part 2)

2017 PARADIM Intro to EELS part 2 Paolo Longo

+69 More
From  James Overhiser 78 plays

Diffraction (Part 1)

2017 PARADIM Diffraction part 1 David Muller

+167 More
From  James Overhiser 284 plays

Schrodinger equation and mean-field approximation - Lecture 1.2

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 1.2

From  James Overhiser 557 plays

2.1 Equilibrium structure of a diatomic molecule and a bulk crystal

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 2.3

+45 More
From  James Overhiser 136 plays

DFT: Plane Waves and Pseudopotentials (Lecture 2.2)

2018 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL DFT: Plane Waves and Pseudopotentials (Lecture 2.2)

From  James Overhiser 327 plays