Search for tag: "scientific techniques"

My MeetingSeeing with Electrons

Zoom Recording ID: 98642485310 UUID: G+QV6B9+RTudd0xBtQaX2w== Meeting Time: 2020-06-17T14:52:29Z

+65 More
From  James Overhiser 38 plays

Miles' Gastropoda Trimmed

+76 More
From  Arjun Hausner 84 plays

CNF 30th (2007) "Nanostructures and X-Rays for Nano Characterization" with Jacobson

CNF 30th (2007) "Nanostructures and X-Rays for Nano Characterization" with Christopher Jacobson, Physics & Astronomy, Stony Brook University

From  Karlis Musa 13 plays

CNF 30th (2007) "Manufacturing at the Nanoscale" with Williams

CNF 30th Anniversary (2007) Invited Speaker, "Manufacturing at the Nanoscale" with R. Stanley Williams

From  Karlis Musa 19 plays

CNF 35th Anniversary Welcome and Keynote

Welcoming Remarks, Dan Ralph and Don Tennant Keynote Speaker, Dr. William Brinkman (US DOE)

From  Karlis Musa 21 plays

CNF 35th Anniversary - Introductory Remarks

Welcoming Remarks - Don Tennant

From  Karlis Musa 6 plays

Julia Mundy Paradim User Meeting 2019

MRS Conference 2019, Boston, MA Dec 4, 2019

From  James Overhiser 93 plays

2017 REU Jacob Waelder PARADIM REU Nano-Convocation

+98 More
From  James Overhiser 15 plays

Electron Tomography - Theory

2017 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Tomography Theory Ercius

From  James Overhiser 228 plays

Introduction to Electron Microscopy

2017 PARADIM Intro to TEM David Muller

From  James Overhiser 219 plays

Linear Imaging Theory

2017 PARADIM Linear Imaging Theory Robert Hovden

+166 More
From  James Overhiser 159 plays

Diffraction (Part 1)

2017 PARADIM Diffraction part 1 David Muller

+167 More
From  James Overhiser 284 plays

PARADIM JHU Data Meeting

+110 More
From  David Botsch 105 plays

CNF NanoCourses 2004 – Section 3.4: Dry Etching (Meredith

From  David Botsch 296 plays

CNF NanoCourses 2004 – Section 4.4: Auger and Thin Film An

+109 More
From  David Botsch 82 plays

CNF NanoCourses 2004 – Section 4.1: Introduction and Optic

+57 More
From  David Botsch 155 plays