45:42duration 45 minutes 42 seconds
Tuesday Tech Tips/FLIT Edition ft Zoom Basics
Zoom Recording ID: 96064368984 UUID: ZMw3gbsfQbO34cfYPfc6NA== Meeting Time: 2020-07-07T13:48:55Z
48:49duration 48 minutes 49 seconds
Cornell MPH Virtual Fair April 7
Zoom Recording ID: 538988602 UUID: 0cPy4ehPRYm7yzFJkkdkWg== Meeting Time: 2020-04-07T19:43:36Z
57:57duration 57 minutes 57 seconds
Managing and Supporting Remote Teams
An important webinar tailored specifically to Cornell managers and supervisors as the majority of teams move to remote work. Cornell experts and managers of remote teams will share practical tools…