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Communicating with Farmers Under Stress with NY FarmNeteditedZoom Recording ID: 94277444049 UUID: 5VVyTxgwS0aCZkUOGxU0ng== Meeting Time: 2021-03-31T13:23:08Z
From Kate Downes
25 plays
SWCD + NRCS Communicating with Farmers Under StressZoom Recording ID: 96290035047 UUID: Fj60oGjITZWWbGeIveuNRg== Meeting Time: 2021-03-24T13:52:43Z
From Kate Downes
14 plays
4-29-2020NEAFAStressManagementWebinar - partial recording - SD 480pNY FarmNet's outreach director, Kate Downes, and family consultant, Brenda O'Brien partnered with the North East Agribusiness & Feed Alliance to talk about stress management techniques…
From Kate Downes
30 plays
ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Siddhartha Bannerjee: New Models and Mechanisms for Online PlatformsAbstract: New online platforms are profoundly altering our social and economic interactions by empowering new marketplaces and new collective behavior at increasingly larger scales. Many of these…
From E. Cornelius
3 plays