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Ally Accessibility ReportAlly Accessibility Report (length: 3:40) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop will…
From Cornell CTI
49 plays
PDF Example and Accessibility IndicatorsPDF Example and Accessibility Indicators (length: 3:02) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The…
From Cornell CTI
59 plays
Ally Alternative FormatsAlly Alternative Formats (length: 6:46) from the Ally Training Workshop: In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop will…
From Cornell CTI
43 plays
Equidox TrainingZoom Recording ID: 98551959217 UUID: o98MtwrARsOJO6YJxufW+w== Meeting Time: 2020-06-09T17:52:21Z
From Brandon Brylinsky
470 plays
Life in the slow lane:Tools and techniques for engaging participants with low-bandwidth connections Not everyone has access to, or can afford, a high-speed internet connection. During this Zoom meeting we will…
From Paul Treadwell
43 plays
ORIE Colloquium on 1/29/2015 - Jason Lee: Selective Inference via the Condition on Selection Framework: Applications to Inference After Variable SelectionSelective Inference is the problem of testing hypotheses that are chosen or suggested by the data. Inference after variable selection in high-dimensional linear regression is a common example of…
From E. Cornelius
11 plays