45:18duration 45 minutes 18 seconds
05 - The emotion paradox in the aging brain
Mara Mather, University of Southern California …
36:04duration 36 minutes 4 seconds
07 - Resources for emotion regulation in older age
Heather L. Urry, Tufts University October 3,…
40:48duration 40 minutes 48 seconds
11 - Negative affect predicting general health:…
11 - Negative affect predicting general health: What we know, and where to go from here
Susan T. Charles, University of California,…
43:05duration 43 minutes 5 seconds
04 - Ideal affect across the life span: Cultural…
04 - Ideal affect across the life span: Cultural variation and implications for views of old age
Jeanne L. Tsai, Stanford University October 3,…
45:42duration 45 minutes 42 seconds
03 - Happy to be unhappy? Pro- and contra-hedonic…
03 - Happy to be unhappy? Pro- and contra-hedonic orientations from adolescence to old age
Michaela Riediger, Max Planck Institute for Human…