Search for tag: "optimal decisions"

ORIE Colloquium, 2015-12-15 - Alessandro Arlotto: Finite Horizon Markov Decision Problems and a Central Limit Theorem for Total Reward

Abstract: We prove a central limit theorem for a class of additive processes that arise naturally in the theory of finite horizon Markov decision problems. The main theorem generalizes a…

From  E. Cornelius 9 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 2/3/2015 - Shipra Agrawal: Optimization and Learning for Sequential Decision Making Under Uncertainty

From  E. Cornelius 9 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 4/16/2014 - Nur Sunar: Investment Timing with Incomplete Information and Multiple Means of Learning

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 3:00pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 ORIE Colloquium: Nur Sunar (North Carolina) - Investment Timing with Incomplete Information and Multiple Means of…

From  E. Cornelius 44 plays

ORIE Colloquium, 2014-12-19 - Nathan Kallus: From Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics

Many operational problems in data-rich environments can be characterized by three primitives: data on uncertain quantities of interest such as simultaneous demands, concurrent auxiliary data such as…

From  E. Cornelius 191 plays

04 - Neural Responses to Financial Incentives and Risks across the Lifespan

From  Marshall Perryman 35 plays