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11.3.20 Jesse Goodman, PhD at Cornell University

Zoom Recording ID: 97470844866 UUID: f1VhPhybRwaIZHAbdQQZdg== Meeting Time: 2020-11-30T21:01:09Z

+19 More
From  Jordan Staiti 51 plays

Zoom Nov. 10. Operators and Abstraction

in this presentation we review the Python data model, showing off the various operators we can define in Python. This is an area where Python is much more advanced than older object-oriented…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 17 plays

Lesson 24.1 Strict Typing

Whenever we have enforced preconditions, we have always used the type function. In this video we show why that is a problem, particularly when we want to use an object argument that is a subclass of…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 65 plays

Lesson 23.5 Mixed-Type Operators

Operator overloading allows us to redefine the meaning of + or * on objects of our class. But sometimes we want to mix together types like a fraction and integer. In this video we show that it is…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 76 plays

Lesson 23.3 Object Equality

Previously when we compared objects, we compared them attribute-by-attribute. That is because the meaning of == on objects is less clear. As we show in this video, that is because equality (and the…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 88 plays

CS 6120: Lesson 7: Interprocedural Analysis

+19 More
From  Adrian Sampson 1,685 plays

Lesson 1.6 Complex Expressions

In out introduction of the basic types of Python, we saw a lot of different operations. What happens when we start to mix these operations together? As we see in this video, we have to worry about…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 175 plays

Lesson 1.2 Int Expressions

The most familiar type in Python is int, the set of integers. It supports all of the basic mathematical expressions that you expect, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However,…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 196 plays


From  James Overhiser 15 plays

Universal & Updatable Common Reference Strings for ZK-SNARKs - Anton Titov

+26 More
From  Steven Gallow 64 plays

Graph Isomorphism -- Professor Jens Groth

From  Steven Gallow 53 plays

16 - Circular Motion (cont'd); Rotation of Rigid Object Session 16

2013-03-14 08:58:00+00

+92 More
From 27 plays

01 - Introduction Session 1

2010-08-25 13:24:52+00

+87 More
From 257 plays

11 - Trusses on Computer (part I of III) Session 11

2010-09-20 12:11:56+00

+71 More
From 54 plays

CS2110-FA17-13 Session 13

2017-10-04 00:00:00+00

+76 More
From 365 plays

CS2110-FA17-23 Session 23

2017-11-10 00:00:00+00

+53 More
From 65 plays