Search for tag: "1st"
Cornell Wellness Celebrates A World of Flavors in Recognition of National Nutrition Month: Week 1 Be Creative With CarbohydratesJoin Cornell Wellness as they Celebrate A World of Flavors in recognition of this year's theme from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics' National Nutrition Month. In Week 1, Cornell…
From Jeremy Stewart
64 plays
PayFlex | Contract College Option Transfer 2021Melanie Bridges, Director for PayFlex Account Management, presents information on PayFlex and Flexible Spending Accounts for Contract College Option Transfer 2021. For more information on Option…
From Gerald Deis
12 plays
Aetna Health | Open Enrollment 2021Bill Papke, Senior Account Executive, delivers a presentation on Aetna Health during Benefair Week during Open Enrollment 2021.
From Gerald Deis
58 plays
PayFlex | Open Enrollment 2021Melanie Bridges, Market Lead for the Northeast Corridor and PayFlex Account Manager, presents the highlights of PayFlex for Open Enrollment Benefair 2021.
From Gerald Deis
37 plays
PAM 5679 Desktop and Modeling Solutions (2021FA)Zoom Recording ID: 94778170067 UUID: jIR5UmdcR+qwBVS8AASpAQ== Meeting Time: 2021-09-22T12:04:07Z
From Christina Homrighouse
0 plays
Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship (CCTS) Virtual Workshop 2021Michelle La Fave presents the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship (CCTS) Virtual Workshop 2021.
From Gerald Deis
64 plays
L10Zoom Recording ID: 2690923470 UUID: oRRTJATjSt2I/lO4gW5X+A== Meeting Time: 2021-03-17T21:03:23Z
From Ilya Amburg
19 plays
Day of Data 2021: Panel, Collaboration in the Federal Statistical Research Data Center ProgramFederal Statistical Research Data Centers allow researchers to access confidential federal data for research. The U.S. Census Bureau manages approximately 30 RDCs across the country, including one…
From Henrik Spoon
9 plays
Don't Let your Estate Plan SinkZoom Recording ID: 99447364927 UUID: 9c8DVUFeQ5+HCL4b+/MwQg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-26T13:55:21Z
From Nancy Reigelsperger
24 plays
FERM PWT Conference CallZoom Recording ID: 98628034224 UUID: L63KFgLLSGGY4NpSSXRIvg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-20T16:50:59Z
From Nancy Reigelsperger
6 plays
Ally Accessibility ReportAlly Accessibility Report (length: 3:40) from the Ally Training Workshop In this training workshop, learn to use Ally, a new tool in Canvas to help improve course accessibility. The workshop will…
From Cornell CTI
47 plays
Patrick Singleton 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: fKT+tB9xS9G0Vwu20ZfE7Q== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T16:51:44Z
From James Overhiser
39 plays
Chase Hanson 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: fKT+tB9xS9G0Vwu20ZfE7Q== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T16:51:44Z
From James Overhiser
17 plays