Search for tag: "census"

Research Opportunities at the Cornell Federal Statistical Research Data Center

From  Jacob Grippin 11 plays

Geospatial Analysis. Creating Interactive maps and visualizations.mp4

Github Page. Folder 'InteractiveMaps' has the code and data: Double click on code file '10-16-Interactive Map…

From  Jacob Grippin 12 plays

Geospatial Analysis Creating Interactive Maps and Visualizations

From  Diana Flores Valdivia 12 plays

Break and Learn: Celebrating Local Latinx/Hispanic History (10.13.2023)

A facilitated presentation and discussion by Erin Sember-Chase, DIB DEI Learning Consultant, with Zoe Van Nostrand from the History Center in Tompkins County. Did you know there were students from…

From  Grace DePaull 6 plays

Geospatial Analysis - Mapping Census Data in R

GIthub page. file named 'Geospatial 2.Rmd' is the coding file for the session. Fill out evaluation here.

From  Jacob Grippin 16 plays

Geospatial Analysis: Introduction to Mapping in R

Github Link Fill out evaluation form here.

From  Jacob Grippin 31 plays

American Community Survey (ACS) Data Extraction Through Online Platforms (IPums,

The American Community Survey (ACS) is the premier source for detailed population and housing data for the United States. ACS releases new data every year that you can access with different data…

From  Caiwei Zhang 11 plays

Graduate Training Prosem with Joe Salvo

Zoom Recording ID: 97954002948 UUID: aawN1fciQQuUa8E0YC8RuA== Meeting Time: 2021-04-16T15:46:30Z

From  Meg Cole 11 plays

Digital Life Seminar | Ero Balsa

From  Michael Byrne 12 plays

Day of Data 2021: Panel, Collaboration in the Federal Statistical Research Data Center Program

Federal Statistical Research Data Centers allow researchers to access confidential federal data for research. The U.S. Census Bureau manages approximately 30 RDCs across the country, including one…

From  Henrik Spoon 9 plays

CPC Proseminar | CISER with Bill Block, Lynda Kellam, and Florio Arguillas

Zoom Recording ID: 93340874919 UUID: EZJcfwukTqqMQ6H9dQfefg== Meeting Time: 2020-10-09T15:48:17Z

From  Meg Cole 26 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Supply Chain, Prof. Vishal Gaur

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 53 plays

Milstein Invited Lecture - Josh Blumenstock

Zoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: ZKt8uGHKTia/xxR8qjMqjg== Meeting Time: 2020-06-11T23:48:57Z

From  Tapan Parikh 19 plays

Advances in Agricultural Analytics and Digital Agriculture

From  Jennifer Wright 67 plays