44:26duration 44 minutes 26 seconds
PARADIM 2018 Lecture 5.1 - Band structure and…
PARADIM 2018 Lecture 5.1 - Band structure and optical spectra.mp4
52:13duration 52 minutes 13 seconds
5.1 Band Structure & Optical Spectra -…
5.1 Band Structure & Optical Spectra - Lecture 5.1
2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino -…
38:11duration 38 minutes 11 seconds
IR spectra & dielectric constants - Lecture…
IR spectra & dielectric constants - Lecture 4.2
DFT: Band structure and optical spectra (Lecture…
DFT: Band structure and optical spectra (Lecture 5.1)
2018 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Lecture 5.1 - Band…