Search for tag: "strategy"
Spring 2024 PIN Seminar - Eva Monterrosa, PhDDr. Eva Monterrosa, PhD, Program Lead, Consumer Demand Generation at the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), joins the Program in International Nutrition Seminar. Title: Solving public…
From Anna Bennett
1 plays
Cornell Family Conversation Series: Finishing the Semester Strong | November 30, 2023The Cornell Family Conversation Series is hosted by the Cornell University Office of Parent & Family Programs. Our topic is Finishing the Semester Strong: A Conversation with the Learning…
From Lindsey Bray
41 plays
Clip of ECE 5830 Introduction to Technical ManagementZoom Recording ID: 98651563751 UUID: OlEpcukgRC+/dXB7H2LEFQ== Meeting Time: 2022-09-15 05:01:11pm
From Peter Jessel
32 plays
It Just Clicks: Social Media Marketing & Agricultural ProductsThere is no denying that using social media and the internet to market products has enormous benefits to businesses of any size and in any industry, including those in agriculture of course. Those…
From Erich Keena
25 plays
Managing a Culture of Innovation featuring Andrea IppolitoManaging a Culture of Innovation featuring Andrea Ippolito Innovation is not just ideas, but getting ideas to measurable impact for your customers or employees. In this webinar, Andrea Ippolito…
From Alexis Vargas
35 plays
11.15.21 Rad Niazadeh, University of ChicagoZoom Recording ID: 97325240794 UUID: lYgN9LNUQc6At0ybS4kIUw== Meeting Time: 2021-11-15T20:30:01Z
From Jordan Staiti
35 plays
Search Literacy WorkshopIn this workshop we discuss how to get the most out of searching for literature. We will demonstrate search methods in Life Science databases for the workshop, but these techniques can be applied…
From Matthew Kibbee
156 plays
CAM/ORIE Colloquium on 9/14/2021: Modibo Camara - Side by SideMechanisms for a No-Regret Agent: Beyond the Common Prior A rich class of economic problems — like monopoly regulation, contract design, and Bayesian persuasion — can be understood as…
From E. Cornelius
27 plays
China Agricultural UniversityZoom Recording ID: 96524215539 UUID: g4fplvykRBeg0963aFVHRg== Meeting Time: 2021-08-17T11:46:49Z
From Kathleen Landy
10 plays
04-30-2021 - Tammy JonesZoom Recording ID: 94129232542 UUID: 3i5CxrmQQdGZTbfFK1arRw== Meeting Time: 2021-05-14T17:07:14Z
From Anitra Garcia
37 plays