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Zoom Recording ID: 97630276119
UUID: /ZuEXbU4RMCsfkAf8RJ+Zw==
Meeting Time: 2022-06-24 12:36:58pm
Zoom Recording ID: 471873857
UUID: Q9RAhNlETqmOQKs6+b13Vg==
Meeting Time: 2021-12-10T17:07:04Z
Zoom Recording ID: 95071859677
UUID: I9oDNFt7Sfm4q0Y1iLzJTg==
Meeting Time: 2021-10-19T18:31:00Z
"Sparsity, Feature Selection and
the Shapley Folkman Theorem”
The Shapley Folkman
theorem acts a central limit theorem for convexity: It shows that Minkowski
sums of arbitrary…
Zoom Recording ID: 95600286353
UUID: iIn1+rujTfKpdGd9y7KYNA==
Meeting Time: 2021-02-09T16:45:25Z
The partition algorithm breaks up the list into two kind-of-sorted portions. In this video, we show how to use this fact with divide-and-conquer to implement a new sorting algorithm: quicksort. For…
In the previous video we saw that insertion sort is not an ideal sorting algorithm. In this video we try our hand at another algorithm: selection sort. This is another simple algorithm that may be…
In this session, Glenn Altschuler will provide an update—and assessment—of the 2020 presidential race.
Zoom Recording ID: 98954609439
UUID: YvOO8FrFQSabengF2xzP+g==
Meeting Time: 2020-05-19T15:14:58Z
Zoom Recording ID: 596257102
UUID: z2fO8Qu+SQ+er7SCuIKMYw==
Meeting Time: 2020-04-30T18:42:35Z
“Variational Perspectives on Machine Learning: Algorithms, Inference, and Fairness”Machine learning plays a key role in shaping the decisions made by a growing number of institutions.…
CNF 30th (2007) "Carbon Nanotubes: Electronics and Optoelectronics in One Dimension" with Phaedon Avouris, IBM Research Division, TJ Watson Research Center