Search for tag: "mountain"

ANSC 403: Lecture 2 - Phytogeographic zones, tropic generalizations, geological & geochemical processes

From  Kelly Heath 15 plays

F21 DMS M, 11/8: Excel picture lookup and finishing touches

Zoom Recording ID: 99788172497 UUID: O7e9zfAEQze0d13lj9/14A== Meeting Time: 2021-11-08T13:06:28Z

From  Christina Homrighouse 0 plays

CRP 3555-5555 Environmental Impact Review (2021FA)

Zoom Recording ID: 99993772089 UUID: eJK0QxfbSbmB7cTIAKlBAw== Meeting Time: 2021-08-30T13:34:33Z

From  George Frantz 13 plays

Reading with Mary Opperman

As part of Cornell Kids@Home, Mary Opperman, Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, reads along to "Nuclear Physics for Babies" by Chris Ferrie and Cara Florance. For more…

From  Gerald Deis 43 plays

MAE 4710/5710 Applied Dynamics

Zoom Recording ID: 200816800 UUID: gfFLrQV0SIaKAENHY9GJPQ== Meeting Time: 2020-05-04T16:15:37Z

From  Andy Ruina 5 plays

Cynthia Beall inaugural Kenneth A.R. Kennedy Lecture in Human Evolution, Cornell 4/9/2019

Professor Cynthia Beall presenting the inaugural Kenneth A.R. Kennedy Lecture in Human Evolution at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY on Aprl 9, 2019, with introductions by Charles Aquadro and Jere…

From  Charles Aquadro 78 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2016-09-30 - Maria Cameron: Modeling the dynamics of interacting particles by means of stochastic networks

Abstract: Material science have been rapidly developing in recent years. A variety of particles interacting according to different kinds of pair potentials has been produced in…

From  E. Cornelius 3 plays