Search for tag: "magnesium"
2023 CNF REU Naranjo Final Presentation2023 CNF REU Intern Naomi Naranjo; "Wafer Scale Fabrication of Single-Domain Magnetic Nanostructures"; PI: Prof. Itai Cohen
From Ron Olson
21 plays
2023 CNF iREG Ogata Final Presentation2023 CNF iREG Intern Toko Ogata; "Electrical Characterization of Dielectric Films"; CNF Staff Mentors: Jeremy Clark, Phil Infante, and Aaron Windsor
From Ron Olson
18 plays
Schlom Day 3 Lecture #5 MBE&ARPES Summer School 2022Zoom Recording ID: 91639832916 UUID: WgK9du3pRNqI4FWZNpcAvA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-15 01:11:43pm
From James Overhiser
10 plays
Falson Lecture 6 Day 3 MBE&ARPES Summer School 2022Zoom Recording ID: 91639832916 UUID: WgK9du3pRNqI4FWZNpcAvA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-15 01:11:43pm
From James Overhiser
4 plays
Schlom Day 3 MBE&ARPES Summer School 2022Zoom Recording ID: 91639832916 UUID: WgK9du3pRNqI4FWZNpcAvA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-15 01:11:43pm
From James Overhiser
36 plays
Joseph Falson MBE&ARPES Summer School 2022Zoom Recording ID: 91639832916 UUID: WgK9du3pRNqI4FWZNpcAvA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-15 01:11:43pm
From James Overhiser
24 plays
CNF 30th (2007) "A Tiny Revolution: New Tools for Synthetic Biology" with TimpCNF 30th (2007) "A Tiny Revolution: New Tools for Synthetic Biology" with Gregory Timp, Electrical Engineering and Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame
From Karlis Musa
22 plays