Search for tag: "cornell campus"
There’s No Place Like Home: Cornell’s Residential LandscapesCornell’s longstanding ambivalence about on-campus housing and the logistics of a coeducational population resulted in two dormitory landscapes situated to the north and west of central campus.…
From Kenny Berkowitz
478 plays
Natural History Around Beebe LakeThe Finger Lakes are full of great natural history, and summer is an especially good time to explore outdoors. In this webinar, we’ll investigate some of the creatures that live around…
From Kenny Berkowitz
301 plays
ORIE Reunion 2020 (Class of 1996-2005)Zoom Recording ID: 98917002733 UUID: Aae8B8KSQ5qkJ5PhJll2Cw== Meeting Time: 2020-06-06T18:44:28Z
From Henry Lam
5 plays