Natasha Holmes, Assistant Professor, Physics Polling Presentation with Q&A
Circa 2006 - short clip from Learning together online focusing on the value of social interactions in online courses.
Zoom Recording ID: 96965091159
UUID: Pht05PdGSQiCSKZ5f3JX6w==
Meeting Time: 2021-10-03T20:31:06Z
Title: An Indexed Type System for Fast and Safe WebAssembly Speaker: Adam Geller—University of British Columbia Summary: Often in low-level languages (i.e., assembly languages), potentially…
Generators look like normal functions, but they do not behave like them. In this video we show how to visualize them, using the Python Tutor.
Methods definitions look just like function definitions, but we call them differently. In this video we show how to visualize a method call, and we see just how it differs from a function call.
Title: Wasm/k: Delimited Continuations for WebAssembly Speaker: Donald Pinckney—University of Massachusetts, AmherstSummary: WebAssembly is designed to be an alternative to JavaScript that is a…
In this video we introduce a new control-structure: the for-loop. This control structure is specifically designed for processing iterable types like strings, tuples, and lists.
Zoom Recording ID: 96548055743
UUID: 40wLv168S+2onITEYTR5UA==
Meeting Time: 2020-10-16T15:12:05Z
In this session we review conditionals, focusing on how we visualize them. This will be important for the second assignemnt.Conditional assignments will not be necessary for Assignment 1. In fact,…
Most of you have seen error messages already, working on the course assignments. But what do these error messages mean? As we seen in this video, we could not really talk about them until now because…
Music: https://www.bensound.comStock footage: https://www.videvo.net
Music: https://www.bensound.comStock footage: https://www.videvo.net
In this video we look at the call stack in much more detail. In particular, we see that is possible to have more than one call frame active at a time, and the stack is the way these frames are…
Music: bensound.com Stock footage: videvo.net