Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535
UUID: 7MfheysnQwOICCe36iwN/w==
Meeting Time: 2021-02-25T16:44:44Z
Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535
UUID: WnJNiifQRWeEJ3j93iCHcw==
Meeting Time: 2021-02-23T16:40:30Z
Round 1- :30/:30 Round 2- :40/:20 Round 3- :30/:15 Round 4- :20/:10 Squat with Rotation Push Up Shoulder Taps I-Supermans Hollow Body Holds Reverse Lunges Bent Over Rows Triceps Kickbacks Mountain…
Round 1- :30/:15, Round 2- :40/:20, Round 3- :30/:15, Round 4- :20/:10 Exercises: Sumo Deadlifts Spidermans (L) Spidermans (R) Thrusters Deadbug 1 Deadbug 2 Frontal & Lateral Raises Split Squats…
5 Stations, 2 exercises/station, complete 2x's before moving to the next station, alternate exercises Round 1- :40/:20, Round 2- :30/:15 1.) Legs: In & Out Squats, Side to Side Lunges 2.)…
Round 1 :30/:30, Round 2 :40/:20, Round 3 :30/:15, Round 4 :20/:10 Exercises: Body Squats Side to Side Push Ups Bent Over Rows Triceps Kickbacks Bicep Curls Wall Rotations Plank Shoulder Taps Front…
Workout of the Day: 3 exercises/ set, work at each exercise for 30 seconds and move to next exercise. Repeat each exercise twice. Rest for 1 min and move to the next set of exercises. Repeat…
Round 1- :45/:15, Round 2- :40/:20, Round 3- :30/:15, Round 4- :20/:10 1.) In & Out Push Ups 2.) RDL to Row (R) 3.) RDL to Row (L) 4.) In & Out Squats 5.) Side Bends (R) 6.) Side Bends (L) …
4 sets of exercises. 3 exercises in each set, working at each exercise for 30 seconds. Cycle thrugh each exercise 2x's taking you to 3 minutes. Take a one minute of rest and then move to the…
Round 1: 45/15 Round 2: 40/20 Round 3: 30/15 Round 4: 20/10 Exercises: 1.) Side to Side Bear Crawl 2.) Single-arm Clean + Press (R) 3.) Single-arm Clean + Press (L) 4.) Squats with Kick 5.) Bent…
EMOM- 4x's group of exercises before moving on 1.) Push Ups:10, Split Squats:10(5/leg) 2.) Shoulder fly's:10, Kickbacks:10 3.) Thrusters:5, Swings:10 4.) Dead Bugs: 5/side 5.) Groiner…
Time Interval- Round 1: 30/30 Round 2 & 3: 40/20 Round 4: 20/20 Exercises: Incline Push Ups Body Squats Bicep Curls Mountain Climbers High Knees Shoulder Taps Reverse Lunges Bent Over Rows…