Search for tag: "seconds"
Rick Geddes: Interview to Scripps News, March 29, 2024The Future of U.S. Infrastructure Safety How will the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse shape the future of U.S. infrastructure? Potential risks to U.S. Infrastructure exposed by Baltimore Bridge…
From Olga Petrova
48 plays
Cornell Wellness Movement for the Mind Virtual Bootcamp Class #2Join Wellness staff Jeremy Stewart as he leads you through this interval style workout designed to increase your strength and keep your heart pumping.
From Jeremy Stewart
8 plays
LECTUREZoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: UZixbIHuTYmrM3M0sDZ0qw== Meeting Time: 2021-04-02T17:20:19Z
From Andy Ruina
4 plays
DEA1110 Lecture 1: What is Design? Prof. Cindy Hsin-Liu KaoLecture 1: What is Design? DEA 1110 Making a Difference by Design Course Description, Prof. Cindy Hsin-Liu KaoThis is an introductory course for non-designers and designers alike, which aims to…
From Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao
26 plays
Cornell Wellness Virtual Spring Bootcamp Class #8Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535 UUID: 7MfheysnQwOICCe36iwN/w== Meeting Time: 2021-02-25T16:44:44Z
From Jeremy Stewart
44 plays
Cornell Wellness Virtual Spring Bootcamp Class #7Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535 UUID: WnJNiifQRWeEJ3j93iCHcw== Meeting Time: 2021-02-23T16:40:30Z
From Jeremy Stewart
79 plays
Cornell Wellness Spring Virtual Bootcamp Class #6Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535 UUID: S9RSRlpPRzag/zCuj11S6Q== Meeting Time: 2021-02-18T16:44:51Z
From Jeremy Stewart
68 plays
Wellness Spring Bootcamp Class #5Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535 UUID: s/dGI2T1RSyiUdL/BtkLEw== Meeting Time: 2021-02-16T16:45:24Z
From Jeremy Stewart
50 plays
Wellness Spring Bootcamp Class #4Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535 UUID: snoU4T7oT9ycmSgNPKWhuA== Meeting Time: 2021-02-11T16:50:00Z
From Jeremy Stewart
87 plays
Cornell Wellness Spring 2021 Virtual Bootcamp Class #2Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535 UUID: qkUvJsAXT2OkOIGNK5Qgtg== Meeting Time: 2021-02-04T16:44:14Z
From Jeremy Stewart
74 plays
Final Cornell Wellness Spring 2021 Bootcamp Class #1Round 1- :30/:30 Round 2- :40/:20 Round 3- :30/:15 Round 4- :20/:10 Squat with Rotation Push Up Shoulder Taps I-Supermans Hollow Body Holds Reverse Lunges Bent Over Rows Triceps Kickbacks Mountain…
From Jeremy Stewart
52 plays
Final Clip of Cornell Wellness Fall 2020 Bootcamp Class Series 2 Class #6Round 1- :45/:15, Round 2- :30/:15 Push: Push Up Shoulder Taps, Single-arm Tricep Kickbacks Legs: Squats with Kicks, Side Lunges Pull: Bicep Curls, See-Saw Row Core: Glute Bridge March, Leg Scissors…
From Jeremy Stewart
51 plays