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Lesson 28.1 IteratorsWe are familiar with iterables, types that we can use in a for-loop. In this video we introduce the iterator. This is a type that can be used in a for-loop, but we can also manually step through the…
From Hannah Lee
75 plays
Lesson 14.3 Try-Except and the StackThe except-portion of an try-except statement is only executed when there is an error/crash. But, as we have seen, errors can occur anywhere in the call stack. In this video we show how try-except…
From Hannah Lee
68 plays
Lesson 14.1 Try-Except StatementsIn this video we intrduce a new control structure: the try-except statement. As we will see, it looks very similar to an if-else statment with some important differences.
From Hannah Lee
92 plays
Equidox TrainingZoom Recording ID: 98551959217 UUID: o98MtwrARsOJO6YJxufW+w== Meeting Time: 2020-06-09T17:52:21Z
From Brandon Brylinsky
470 plays