The Becoming Big Red: Cornell Family Orientation Conversation Series is hosted by the Cornell University Office of Parent & Family Programs. Our topic is What to Expect at Move-In and…
Creation Date
August 08, 2024
DUO authentication prompt will be updating Feb. 5, 2023. Effective Monday, February 6th, you will see the updated DUO universal prompt. For additional information, please review: The Duo Universal…
Leading Effectively in a Virtual Workplace Managing remote teams presents new challenges to even seasoned leaders. We will discuss strategies for leading technical teams in the virtual workplace with…
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The content is provided only for educational purposes, it is not intended to render any legal, business, or financial advice to the viewer or to the public. The views and opinions expressed are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the official position or policy of Cornell University or the M.Eng. in Engineering Management (MEM) Program. Although we make strong efforts to make sure our information is accurate, MEM cannot guarantee all the information is error-free. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit this content. Searchable
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Tutorial for logging into the Cisco AnyConnect VPN with two-step authentication. Additional resources:VPN with two-step (via CIT) - https://it.cornell.edu/cuvpn/connect-windows-cu-vpn General…
Zoom Recording ID: 96025266967
UUID: Ppev7kb6SLmvtYX0nEsCZg==
Meeting Time: 2021-05-27T14:48:05Z
Zoom Recording ID: 93173850621
UUID: oxfxdwFGSjO4YCoXMzgUFA==
Meeting Time: 2021-02-09T14:48:15Z
Zoom Recording ID: 95516878452
UUID: mmS0QVRYS3+ARH0PpkaEaw==
Meeting Time: 2021-01-20T23:09:13Z
Generators may seem like a weird detour for this late in the course. But in this presentation, we show how they are used in graphics and animation.Generators are a specific example of a concept known…
In this presentation we will review, generators which lead into the last major topic of the course (coroutines). Once again, this will involve a lot of visualization.We also start off this…
In the previous video we introduced the term coroutine but did not actually define it. In this video we give a more concrete definition. As a result, we see that coroutines and generators have a lot…
In this video we talk about two very famous generators: map and filter. We show how to use these to replace writing code with a for-loop.
Generators look like normal functions, but they do not behave like them. In this video we show how to visualize them, using the Python Tutor.