Search for tag: "stretch"

02 Fernanda Fontenele

+19 More
From  Sarah Day 101 plays

*Cornell Wellness Day: Essential Stretches for an Active Workday

Join Wellness' Nutrition & General Health Outreach Educator, Jeremy Stewart, as he takes through some brief stretches you can perform throughout your active workday to bring some relaxation…

From  Jeremy Stewart 35 plays

Cornell Wellness De-Stress Desk Stretches

Join Jeremy Stewart from Cornell Wellness as he takes you through various full body stretches to relax and calm the body.

+20 More
From  Jeremy Stewart 54 plays

Cornell Wellness Virtual Bootcamp Class #4

4 sets of exercises. 3 exercises in each set, working at each exercise for 30 seconds. Cycle thrugh each exercise 2x's taking you to 3 minutes. Take a one minute of rest and then move to the…

From  Jeremy Stewart 103 plays

Cornell Wellness Make It Happen Monday Episode 4 Full Body Stretching Routine

Join Cornell Wellness staff, Jeremy Stewart, for another edition of Make It Happen Monday. Watch as he takes you through a post-workout full body stretching routine that is meant to increase…

From  Jeremy Stewart 91 plays

2018 2DDF JHU Workshop 4 (Gretchen Greene)

From  James Overhiser 6 plays

27 - Poisson's ratio shear strain Session 27

2010-10-29 08:11:22+00

From 32 plays

24 - Strain; strain & stress Session 24

2010-10-22 19:06:28+00

+64 More
From 28 plays

25 - Statically indeterminate problems Session 25

2010-10-25 10:31:49+00

+74 More
From 95 plays

Feline Medial Saphenous Venipuncture - 2

+23 More
From  Dave Frank 45 plays

Feline Cephalic Venipuncture

+23 More
From  Dave Frank 86 plays