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2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 4; Yebin Liu, CNF User

2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 4; Yebin Liu, Physics, Syracuse University (CNF PI Plourde); "Fabrication and Characterization of Topologically Protected Superconducting Qubits"

+36 More
From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 35 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: J4xL3Cc8T8WZ9PDrDb2Scw== Meeting Time: 2021-05-14T17:27:18Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 1 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: UZixbIHuTYmrM3M0sDZ0qw== Meeting Time: 2021-04-02T17:20:19Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 0 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: 251YGOXgTUmkoGohn2E32Q== Meeting Time: 2021-02-15T17:39:17Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 6 plays

Lecture 1: Introduction to course, simple harmonic motion

Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: 3dPuCM7cRbGVsm86DzLdDA== Meeting Time: 2021-02-08T18:13:49Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 16 plays

MAE 4730/5730 Lecture

Zoom Recording ID: 95137020859 UUID: RtlQE+mTQpKwLXR6R7648w== Meeting Time: 2020-10-13T01:10:13Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 25 plays

Lesson 12.4 Functions in Memory

We know what happens when we call a function. But as we show in this video, Python also does something very important when we define a function. It has to store the definition somewhere.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 85 plays

Lesson 12.3 Modules in Memory

When we say that everything is an object, we include modules as well. In this video we show exactly what happens when you import a module.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 90 plays

Lesson 4.3 Module Structure

In this video we take a closer look at module files. We show what types of things we can put into a module file, and what their purpose is. In addition, after this video should have a better idea of…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 133 plays

Lesson 3.5 Advanced Import Statements (OPTIONAL)

This is a completely optional video for people who are interested in all of the different ways that you can import a module in Python. However, it is a tad advanced for a beginning programmer. If you…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 108 plays

Lesson 3.3 Module-Based Functions

Python has very few functions built-in. All other functions are provided by modules, special files that add optional functionality to Python. In this video we show how to use these modules to…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 137 plays