Search for tag: "frames"
Davis Vision | Open Enrollment 2022A webinar outlining the available Vision Plan via Davis Vision for Endowed Employees at Cornell. Held virtually during Benefair 2022.
From Gerald Deis
7 plays
Zoom Dec. 3. GeneratorsIn this presentation we will review, generators which lead into the last major topic of the course (coroutines). Once again, this will involve a lot of visualization.We also start off this…
From Hannah Lee
33 plays
Davis Vision - Benefair Week 2020Faye White, Representative from Davis Vision, discusses the aspects of the Davis Vision Plan as part of the Open Enrollment period during Benefair Week 2020.
From Gerald Deis
58 plays
Lesson 20.6 Method VisualizationMethods definitions look just like function definitions, but we call them differently. In this video we show how to visualize a method call, and we see just how it differs from a function call.
From Hannah Lee
107 plays
Lesson 17.8 Recursion PerformanceIn this video, we show another reason to pay attention to the division step: performance. In fact, we show an example where a change in how we divide the data can improve performance by several…
From Hannah Lee
91 plays
Lesson 17.3 Recursion and the Call StackBecause a recursive function calls itself, it will have multiple call frames on the call stack. In this video we show exactly why we should be concerned about this and why it will affect our function…
From Hannah Lee
156 plays
Lesson 17.2 Recursive FunctionsIn this video we show how to take recursive definitions from mathematics and implement them in Python. To do this, we will need to have a function call itself in its own definition.
From Hannah Lee
133 plays
Lesson 15.5 Slice VisualizationBecause lists are mutable, we need to explicitly draw their folder when we visualize them. In this video we show how slicing affects these folders.
From Hannah Lee
76 plays
Lesson 12.7 The Call StackIn this video we look at the call stack in much more detail. In particular, we see that is possible to have more than one call frame active at a time, and the stack is the way these frames are…
From Hannah Lee
94 plays
Lesson 12.6 Global VariablesWith both modules and function definitions, we saw that global variables are incredibly important. But most of our code is inside of function definitions, and therefore executed inside of call…
From Hannah Lee
84 plays
Lesson 12.4 Functions in MemoryWe know what happens when we call a function. But as we show in this video, Python also does something very important when we define a function. It has to store the definition somewhere.
From Hannah Lee
85 plays
Lesson 12.2 Memory AreasIn this video we introduce the three regions of memory in Python: global space, the heap, and the call stack. We need all of these to understand how Python executes code.
From Hannah Lee
122 plays
MAE 4730/5730 LectureZoom Recording ID: 95137020859 UUID: 2pszu9yZTCSrzqcyXHzeAA== Meeting Time: 2020-09-11T14:10:18Z
From Andy Ruina
52 plays
Lesson 5.6 Functions & the Python TutorIn the previous video, we showed how to visualize function calls on a piece of paper. But, as with all visualization, we do have the Python Tutor at our disposal. In this video we illustrate the…
From Hannah Lee
112 plays
Lesson 5.5 Function VisualizationOnce again, visualization is an important skill in this couse. In this video we show what it is even more important for functions. In particular, we introduce the new topic of the call frame, which…
From Hannah Lee
155 plays
MAE 4710/5710 Applied DynamicsZoom Recording ID: 200816800 UUID: iLqM8KGMQQ2+g+1D2V4Anw== Meeting Time: 2020-05-08T16:12:19Z
From Andy Ruina
30 plays