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Lesson 20.2 Class VisualizationNow that you know how to define a class, you need to understand how Python processes the definition. In this video, we see that Python handles it in much the same way, that it does function…
From Hannah Lee
132 plays
Lesson 18.1 List of ObjectsLists require that we explicitly show the folder when visualize them. In this video we show what that means when a list contains other objects that have their own folders. The result is a chain of…
From Hannah Lee
73 plays
Lesson 17.11 Graphical RecursionFractals are shapes that look the same when you magnify them larger and larger. This is another example of recursion. In this video we introduce the drawing turtle and show how we use it to draw…
From Hannah Lee
100 plays
Lesson 11.6 Attribute InvariantsWhen you work on Assignment 3, you will discover that the color objects have some significant restrictions on how they can be used. These restrictions are called attribute invariants, and they are…
From Hannah Lee
119 plays
Lesson11.2 Object InstantiationBecause classes are not built into Python, they do not have literals. So how do we create objects? In this video, we address instantiation which is how do this.
From Hannah Lee
94 plays
Lesson 6.3 String MethodsStrings do not have a lot of functions associated with them. Instead, strings have methods. As we see in this video, methods behave almost exactly like functions, except that the syntax for calling…
From Hannah Lee
99 plays
Lesson 3.5 Advanced Import Statements (OPTIONAL)This is a completely optional video for people who are interested in all of the different ways that you can import a module in Python. However, it is a tad advanced for a beginning programmer. If you…
From Hannah Lee
109 plays