Search for tag: "objects"

Systems Conversations on 11/10/2017: Melanie Mitchell

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From  Michael Bell 0 plays

Cornell Tech Community Conversation: What Are Blockchains and What Are They Good For?

What Are Blockchains and What Are They Good For?Bitcoin and blockchains — the technology that makes cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin possible — have become inescapable phenomena in…

+15 More
From  Jane Swanson 17 plays

Stochastic Networks Conference 2022 - Nicolas Gast Edit

Zoom Recording ID: 97630276119 UUID: +/xXcDwaQAeikAIq7MRL7A== Meeting Time: 2022-06-21 12:36:33pm

From  E. Cornelius 5 plays

07 Vaibhav Sharma

+19 More
From  Sarah Day 245 plays

Leveraging Physical Interactions to Enable Robotic Assistive Care

+19 More
From  Jordan Staiti 13 plays

F21 DMS W, 9/13: PPT slide master, drawing tools, images

Zoom Recording ID: 93227848311 UUID: OorCPebQQOmP+9VFVfQ31w== Meeting Time: 2021-09-13T12:05:37Z

+19 More
From  Christina Homrighouse 3 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: uOJabsM1TjOn4LjQE3a0Cw== Meeting Time: 2021-05-12T16:44:33Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 3 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: 4FBI+AiNS9Co7DV8p0yfvQ== Meeting Time: 2021-04-07T16:47:10Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 3 plays

3.5.21 Shuran Song, Columbia University

Zoom Recording ID: 94765771101 UUID: 8uLIzu0jSJKr7ZhYXfgGCA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-05T16:19:45Z

+19 More
From  Jordan Staiti 63 plays

SOIL Seminar: Julia Language on WebAssembly: Our Wish List and Experience So Far

Title: Julia Language on WebAssembly: Our Wish List and Experience So Far Speaker: Jeff Bezanson—Julia Computing Summary: Last year a proof-of-concept WASM port of the Julia run-time was…

+20 More
From  Ross Tate 88 plays

MAE 4730/5730 Lecture

Zoom Recording ID: 95137020859 UUID: 0hoPdmgqSc6N5WOb0dQXBA== Meeting Time: 2020-12-14T15:04:14Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 4 plays

Lesson 27.2 Animation Frames

The while-loop that drives the game is hidden. This is going to create some interest challenges, particularly when you need variables that carry over from animation frame to animation frame. In this…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 78 plays

Lesson 27.1 The Application Loop

In order to understand the classes that you will use in the final assignment, you first need to understand how a game application works. In this video we lay out the big picture. We talk about the…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 80 plays

MAE 4730/5730 Lecture

Zoom Recording ID: 95137020859 UUID: H9NFuYkxTH2woD6dmIdYZA== Meeting Time: 2020-11-18T15:07:48Z

+19 More
From  Andy Ruina 15 plays

Lesson23.4 The is Operator

As we saw in the previous video, we cannot trust == if we need to test if two variables refer to the same object folder. In this video we show an alternative operator is, which is safe to use because…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 56 plays

Lesson 23.3 Object Equality

Previously when we compared objects, we compared them attribute-by-attribute. That is because the meaning of == on objects is less clear. As we show in this video, that is because equality (and the…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 88 plays