01:01:37duration 1 hour 1 minute
Johnson COVID-19: Where Are We Now, Prof. Ori…
Johnson COVID-19: Where Are We Now, Prof. Ori Heffetz
01:20:22duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Milstein Invited Lecture - Josh Blumenstock
Zoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: ZKt8uGHKTia/xxR8qjMqjg== Meeting Time: 2020-06-11T23:48:57Z
01:36:58duration 1 hour 36 minutes
2019 MEng in ECE Information Webinar
01:09:34duration 1 hour 9 minutes
53:41duration 53 minutes 41 seconds
51:36duration 51 minutes 36 seconds
Cornell Cup USA - Systems Engineering at NASA
01:09:59duration 1 hour 9 minutes
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Engineering…
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Engineering Seminar, 3/30/2012 - Leon McGinnis: Model Based Systems Development
Friday, March 30 at 12:00pm Frank H.T. Rhodes Hall, 253 Those who design or manage large scale complex systems--such as the Mars orbiter, the Boeing 787, a global manufacturing system, a health…