Search for tag: "magic"

Myths and Legends 1

Presenter: Nadya Kandel

From  Kenny Berkowitz 508 plays

2DDF Workshop JHU 6 (Nick Carey)

From  James Overhiser 10 plays

02 - Decision-making in Clinical Conditions: Is This Knowledge Useful for Neuroeconomics?

From  Marshall Perryman 26 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 2/2/2012 - Yashodhan Kanoria: Bargaining Dynamics in Exchange Networks

ORIE Colloquium: Bargaining Dynamics in Exchange Networks Thursday, February 2 at 3:00pm Frank H.T. Rhodes Hall, 253 Speaker: Yashodhan Kanoria Stanford University Social and economic networks…

From  E. Cornelius 20 plays