Join Nutrition and Health Outreach Educator, Jeremy Stewart, as he walks you through some inside options to try out while moving through the Movement for the Mind Spring Challenge.
Zoom Recording ID: 92593775535
UUID: WnJNiifQRWeEJ3j93iCHcw==
Meeting Time: 2021-02-23T16:40:30Z
Round 1: 40/20 Round 2: 30/15 5 stations, 2 exercises/ station, repeat each exercise two times before moving on to the next station. After finishing the first round take a 2 minute break and move to…
EMOM- 4x's group of exercises before moving on 1.) Push Ups:10, Split Squats:10(5/leg) 2.) Shoulder fly's:10, Kickbacks:10 3.) Thrusters:5, Swings:10 4.) Dead Bugs: 5/side 5.) Groiner…
Time Interval- Round 1: 30/30 Round 2 & 3: 40/20 Round 4: 20/20 Exercises: Incline Push Ups Body Squats Bicep Curls Mountain Climbers High Knees Shoulder Taps Reverse Lunges Bent Over Rows…