Github page: https://github.com/ccss-rs/Feature-Selection-R Fill out evaluation Schedule a consultation View CCSS Workshops Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain access to our…
Link to Github page. File Stata\Stata_Code_Fall2023-10-16-2023.do for code from session. Double click on .do file to open Stata. Then run code. …
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Github Page. Folder 'InteractiveMaps' has the code and data: https://github.com/ccss-rs/Intro-Geospatial-Fall-2023/tree/main Double click on code file '10-16-Interactive Map…
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Use coding file 'Publication Ready Tables code (1).R' Fill out evaluation form here.
Github Link https://github.com/ccss-rs/Intro-Geospatial-Fall-2023 Fill out evaluation form here.
Github page containing all files: https://github.com/jgrips9/Su23Practice Access to Stata: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Px8NWoKpV4onrthao60ZpX2NrbAec89j/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117340435...
Link to Github page. Contains copies of code and how to access software. https://github.com/jgrips9/CCSS_Publication_Ready_Tables
The American Community Survey (ACS) is the premier source for detailed population and housing data for the United States. ACS releases new data every year that you can access with different data…
Unsupervised Learning using Python 0:00:00 - 0:46:00 Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the Social Sciences 0:47:00 - end Github Page: https://github.com/ccss-rs/ml-bootcamp
Introduction to Machine Learning in the Social Sciences 0:00:00 - 1:00:00 Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning 1:02:00 - end Link to Github: https://github.com/ccss-rs/ml-bootcamp
Github page: https://github.com/jgrips9/CCSS_Stata_Fall2022 Code: https://github.com/jgrips9/CCSS_Stata_Fall2022/blob/main/stata%20intermediate.do Access to software:…
Marnen Decker is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with minors in Biometry and Statistics and Fashion Studies. She is passionate about social…
Github Page with Files. 'Stata Basics10_17_2022.do' https://github.com/jgrips9/CCSS_Stata_Fall2022 How to access Stata Options: - Use Apps on Demand through Canvas. Instructions included…