Search for tag: "storage"
MEM Lunch and Learn- Sustainable Energy as a Tool for Advancing Sustainable DevelopmentTransforming the energy supply is one of the key steps for creating a sustainable planet. This talk will explore sustainable energy within the broader array of sustainability goals. We will…
From Alexis Vargas
4 plays
Himanshu Saxena: Decarbonization ChallengesThought Leaders on Infrastructure video series. Himanshu Saxena, MS ’00, Chairman and CEO of Lotus Infrastructure Partners and Member of the CPIP Board of Advisors, describes what will lie…
From Olga Petrova
26 plays
Efficient Computing Techniques and Resources offered at CCSSLink to Github page. Includes copy of slides and code. Please fill out the evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation View CCSS Workshops Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain…
From Jacob Grippin
5 plays
Grace Brandon: Investing in Renewable Energy InfrastructureCornell Alumna Grace Brandon, Manager, Global Infrastructure, with Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC), explains how investments in renewable energy infrastructure have become such a…
From Olga Petrova
58 plays
Carbon accounting and enhancement opportunities for dairy manure anaerobic digestion systemsZoom Recording ID: 91332291252 UUID: 3OTvrXFmRU6WA7dKHJHVjg== Meeting Time: 2023-12-14 04:53:57pmGMT
From Lauren Ray
63 plays
Protect your Future Publications Reproducibility Through Data Management Plans - Compliance and SecurityThere are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Caiwei Zhang
3 plays
Website - Replace linked contentTutorial for creating replacing linked content/attachments For additional information:CCE TDX HelpDesk Knowledge Base Article - CCE Website Overview and Training WSBN IT VOD playlist (must…
From Christi Smith
9 plays
CCSS Computing ResourcesThere are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Jacob Grippin
4 plays
Apps on Demand(AoD) Tips and tricksSign in: Navigation Bar Items:
From Jacob Grippin
8 plays
CAFO General Permit Updates - What you need to know.A webinar hosted on August 30, 2022 giving information related to the newly updated New York State Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation General Permit. Hosts and presenters include: Cornell…
From Kirsten Workman
53 plays
Yuanyuan Li, Ph.D. Candidate, Padilla-Zakour Lab - Investigating Novel Processing Methods to Develop Minimally Processed, Nutritious Concord Grape Products With Extended Shelf-LifeYuanyuan Li Ph.D. Candidate, Padilla-Zakour Lab, Cornell University Investigating Novel Processing Methods to Develop Minimally Processed, Nutritious Concord Grape Products With Extended Shelf-Life …
From Erin Atkins
32 plays
Rebecca Nelson, Ph.D. - Sorting out Toxic Food Systems: Selected Strategies to Reduce Mycotoxin Exposure in Low-Resource SettingsRebecca Nelson, Ph.D. Cornell University Sorting out Toxic Food Systems: Selected Strategies to Reduce Mycotoxin Exposure in low-resource Settings Rebecca Nelson is Professor in the School of…
From Erin Atkins
20 plays
2018 Science Immersion_Science CollaborationA workshop given by Erica Johns and Wendy Kozlowski as part of Science Immersion 2018
From Matthew Kibbee
3 plays