Search for tag: "beginning"

Implementing Nutrition Education in Harlem (CCE) - Deborah Ogunribido and Jaylyn Senise

Deborah Ogunribido is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences on the pre-med track. She is passionate about equitable healthcare access and medical…

From  Catherine Wambura 14 plays

2022 REU Presentation: Joey Lin

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From  James Overhiser 49 plays

Wellbeing@Work: Developing and Sustaining Healthy Relationships in the Workplace

Ari Mack, Organization Development Consultant, and Michelle Artibee provide some tips and advice on maintaining healthy relationships among co-workers and colleagues. Watch the full Interview here:…

+19 More
From  Gerald Deis 9 plays

Wellbeing@Work: Prevalence of Domestic Violence

Kristi Taylor, Education Director for the Tompkins County Advocacy Center discusses the prevalence of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. Watch the rest of the conversation here:…

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From  Gerald Deis 7 plays


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From  Ben Wendel 1 plays


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From  Ben Wendel 6 plays

Lesson 30.8 Quicksort Performance

It looks like quicksort has solved our performance problems. However, we should not be so hasty. In this video, we look at the real performance for quicksort, and why it is not perfect. We also talk…

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From  Hannah Lee 36 plays

Lesson 30.6 The Partition algorithm

In the previous video, we saw that nested loops are causing our sorting algorithms to be slow. To speed things up, we need to get rid of one of these loops. To do that, we will need a special…

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From  Hannah Lee 38 plays

Lesson 30.5 Selection Sort

In the previous video we saw that insertion sort is not an ideal sorting algorithm. In this video we try our hand at another algorithm: selection sort. This is another simple algorithm that may be…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 40 plays

Lesson 30.1 Searching

In this video, we look at the different ways we can search a list for an element. In doing so, we see that it helps a lot for our lists to be sorted. Hence that will be our focus for the rest of this…

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From  Hannah Lee 55 plays

Lesson 25.3 Error Types and the Call Stack

After the last video, try-except looks less like an if-else statement and more like an if-elif-else statement. As we see in this video, this has profound effects on how errors interact with the call…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 72 plays

Lesson 13.6 Assert Helpers

Sometimes we absolutely need to enforce all of our preconditions, and we cannot live with the compromises of the previous video. In this video we show how to use top-down design to give us more…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 75 plays

Lesson 13.5 Assert Trade-Offs

Preconditions can get really complicated, and sometimes it is unclear how to enforce all of the preconditions. In this video we talk about why it is okay to break up a precondition and…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 59 plays

Lesson 8.3 Test Scripts

A good testing plan has many, many test cases, and it can be really tedious to keep testing a function. That is why it would be ideal if we could automate the process. In this video, we introduce the…

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From  Hannah Lee 92 plays

Lesson 7.2 Specification Format

Now that you know why specifications are so important, it is time to write them. We have a very specific format that we want for our specifications, which is detailed in this video.

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From  Hannah Lee 94 plays

Lesson 6.2 String Slicing

Strings have a fundamental property that is not present in the other types so far. You can cut up a string into smaller bits or substrings. This is know as string slicing, and it is the focus of the…

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From  Hannah Lee 102 plays