Title: An Indexed Type System for Fast and Safe WebAssembly Speaker: Adam Geller—University of British Columbia Summary: Often in low-level languages (i.e., assembly languages), potentially…
Up until now, the only way that we knew how to create an error is with an assert statement. But these always create errors with the type AssertionError. In this video we show how to create errors…
Operator overloading allows us to redefine the meaning of + or * on objects of our class. But sometimes we want to mix together types like a fraction and integer. In this video we show that it is…
We know how to enforce preconditions, but how do we force invariants for our attributes? As we see in this video, we do it much the same as for preconditions. But that is because we are going to…
Once you have the interface to a class, it is time to start writing code. As we see in this video, the idea is much the same as writing functions. However, attributes – and specifically…
In addition to attributes, objects also have methods. In this video, we show how to add a method definition to a class. For the most part, it is as simple as indenting a function definition inside of…
Now that we understand divide-and-conquer, it is type to implement it in Python. In this video we show you a three-step sequence for writing a function definition using this technique.
We have a new control structure, so it is time once again to talk about testing. In this video we revisit the concept of code coverage and show testing a try-except is very similar to testing a…
Sometimes we absolutely need to enforce all of our preconditions, and we cannot live with the compromises of the previous video. In this video we show how to use top-down design to give us more…
Preconditions can get really complicated, and sometimes it is unclear how to enforce all of the preconditions. In this video we talk about why it is okay to break up a precondition and…
We now know how to do assert statements to create errors. But the error messages are a little cryptic. In this video we talk about how we can do a better job.
Determining responsibility can get really tedious. In this video, we show how we can responsibility explicit by creating errors on purpose. We introduce the assert statement, which will allow us to…
When we introduced specifications, we talked about responsibility; if there is a problem with a function, it is either the fault of the definer or the caller. In this video, we show how we read an…
In this session we do a deep dive in how we might design a series of functions to acomplish a single task.This class will be highly interactive. We will start with a specification – one more…
Top-down design is a widely–used design technique. Your instructor used it to design the first assignment, and you will use it yourself in later assignments. In this video we take a closer look…
Both specifications and testing are critical for the first assignment. But many students struggle with them because they are so “fuzzy”.To help you improve your skills here, we have are…