Search for tag: "pivot"

F21 DMS W, 10/20: Excel dates, pivot tables, intro to modeling

Zoom Recording ID: 98994982951 UUID: b33PoJ7tRwK2JsiTXCv6wg== Meeting Time: 2021-10-20T12:00:59Z

+19 More
From  Christina Homrighouse 2 plays

F21 DMS W, 10/6: Excel counts

Zoom Recording ID: 92469038493 UUID: VBQgCUGuRQqY4gSfBRMUKQ== Meeting Time: 2021-10-06T12:06:03Z

+19 More
From  Christina Homrighouse 0 plays

F21 ADA 10/5 Session 6: Excel pivots, intro to modeling

Zoom Recording ID: 94024818876 UUID: WkEc57p8Rki1XackPq0C9A== Meeting Time: 2021-10-05T13:12:35Z

+19 More
From  Christina Homrighouse 0 plays

Lesson 30.8 Quicksort Performance

It looks like quicksort has solved our performance problems. However, we should not be so hasty. In this video, we look at the real performance for quicksort, and why it is not perfect. We also talk…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 36 plays

Lesson 30.7 Quicksort

The partition algorithm breaks up the list into two kind-of-sorted portions. In this video, we show how to use this fact with divide-and-conquer to implement a new sorting algorithm: quicksort. For…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 40 plays

Lesson 30.6 The Partition algorithm

In the previous video, we saw that nested loops are causing our sorting algorithms to be slow. To speed things up, we need to get rid of one of these loops. To do that, we will need a special…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 38 plays

CS2110-FA17-11 Session 11

2017-09-27 00:00:00+00

From 324 plays

02 - Matrices vectors and row reduced echelon form Session 2

2009-01-21 09:04:28+00

+58 More
From 129 plays

National Science Foundation Computational Sustainability Video Game Projects - 2010-12-11

National Science Foundation Computational Sustainability Video Game Projects - 2010-12-11

From  E. Cornelius 1 plays