Deborah Ogunribido is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences on the pre-med track. She is passionate about equitable healthcare access and medical research, specifically in the fields of oncology and infectious disease. Through her ELO with the C.H.F.F.F. program, a subset of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, Deborah implemented a nutrition education program in a low-income community in Harlem, NY. Contact Deborah at
Jaylyn Senise is a junior in the College of Human Ecology, majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with a minor in Human Development. She is passionate about nutrition-related diseases, specifically in marginalized and low-income communities, and health equity. Through her ELO with the CHFFF program, Jaylyn was able to further her exploration of nutrition education for elementary school students. Contact Jaylyn at