Search for tag: "april"

Chair of the Math Department - Welcome Message

The Math Department Chair welcomes Class of 2025 students during Cornell Days.

+19 More
From  Heather Peterson 21 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Labor Markets (US Jobs Report release - May 8), Prof. Mike Waldman

Zoom Recording ID: 713840977 UUID: PP/qamQITBWGnWsngJ5/pA== Meeting Time: 2020-05-22T15:44:41Z

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 8 plays

Mathmatical Modeling Infectious Disease III

Our third and final session will have two presentations “Prediction of hospital demand from the COVID-19 death curve: IHME Model” and “Molecular epidemiology of SARS-Cov-2: what…

From  Dave Frank 53 plays

Mathmatical Modeling Infectious Disease I

We will go through infectious disease modeling basics such as SIR models, Reproduction Ratio and Herd Immunity and examples of several models. On two subsequent Fridays, lectures will focus on…

From  Dave Frank 265 plays