Search for tag: "feedbackfruits"

Q & A

Questions and answers following the the presentation "FeedBackFuits: Peer learning and group evaluation use cases"

From  Zach Butler 21 plays

Faculty Presenter: Deena Thomas

Deena Thomas, Postdoctoral fellow in the Division of Nutritional Sciences, will share her experience using FeedbackFruits peer review to facilitate group work in a Public Health course.

From  Zach Butler 66 plays

Faculty Presenter: Meejeong Song

Meejeong Song, Senior lecturer and Coordinator of the Korean Language Program in Asian Studies, will present findings based on her experience of incorporating peer review to improve student writing…

From  Zach Butler 113 plays

FeedBackFruits: Introduction

In this workshop, faculty presenters will share their experience and use cases for the Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation tools to facilitate peer and collaborative learning. The presentations…

From  Zach Butler 105 plays