Search for tag: "fraction"

Welcome and Introductions (Staff)

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From  James Overhiser 9 plays

PARADIM Summer School 2024 - Electron Microscopy

Lecture 4 - Diffraction

+19 More
From  Brenda Fisher 28 plays

Prosem with Seth Sanders Session 2

Zoom Recording ID: 97954002948 UUID: Srxtmoy5TEGuhLFzgRR/CQ== Meeting Time: 2021-04-09T15:50:56Z

+19 More
From  Meg Cole 11 plays

Lesson 24.4 Duck Typing

This partial typing from the previous video has a name. It is called duck typing. In this video we show both why this is so popular among Python programmers and also why it is so controversial.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 78 plays

Lesson 24.2 The isinstance Function

In this video, we show that we can solve the problem of strict typing by using the isinstance function. This function will be our preferred way for enforcing preconditions going forward.

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 73 plays

Lesson 24.1 Strict Typing

Whenever we have enforced preconditions, we have always used the type function. In this video we show why that is a problem, particularly when we want to use an object argument that is a subclass of…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 67 plays

Lesson 23.8 Properties (OPTIONAL)

This video introduces an advanced topic that is completely optional and will not appear on any exam. Classes like RGB and Point3 appear to enforce their invariants without any getters and setters.…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 34 plays

Lesson 23.5 Mixed-Type Operators

Operator overloading allows us to redefine the meaning of + or * on objects of our class. But sometimes we want to mix together types like a fraction and integer. In this video we show that it is…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 77 plays

Lesson 23.3 Object Equality

Previously when we compared objects, we compared them attribute-by-attribute. That is because the meaning of == on objects is less clear. As we show in this video, that is because equality (and the…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 89 plays

Lesson 23.2 Operator Overloading

In this video we introduce the primary tool for abstraction in Python. Operator overloading allows us to define additional meanings for any built-in symbol such as + or *. Because Python uses the…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 86 plays

Lesson 23.1 The Principle of Abstraction

In this video we introduce the principle of abstraction, which is simply hiding unnecessary details about a class from the user of a class. However, there are many different ways to do that, which is…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 90 plays

10.12.20 Shachar Lovett, University of California, San Diego

Zoom Recording ID: 97470844866 UUID: 9mq56B39QvqqAWq7KYEL1g== Meeting Time: 2020-10-12T20:04:41Z

+19 More
From  Jordan Staiti 29 plays

Lesson 14.4 Try-Except and Testing

We have a new control structure, so it is time once again to talk about testing. In this video we revisit the concept of code coverage and show testing a try-except is very similar to testing a…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 64 plays

Biophysics Colloquium with Max Kushner and Erik Henze

Zoom Recording ID: 95323483928 UUID: dunu4II1Ql+mjqEyFX2F2g== Meeting Time: 2020-10-07T19:34:10Z

+19 More
From  Jonathan Fuller 4 plays

Digital Life Seminar | Emma Pierson

+19 More
From  Michael Byrne 52 plays

Morgan Fernandez 2020 REU final presentation

Zoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z

From  James Overhiser 21 plays