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Faculty Presenter: Deena ThomasDeena Thomas, Postdoctoral fellow in the Division of Nutritional Sciences, will share her experience using FeedbackFruits peer review to facilitate group work in a Public Health course.
From Zach Butler
76 plays
Faculty Presenter: Doug McKeeDoug McKee, Senior lecturer in Economics and ALI project lead for Economics, will speak about leveraging group member evaluation to support semester-long teamwork in a large-enrollment course.
From Zach Butler
121 plays
Getting Results Through Talent Management Q&A Session 1Zoom Recording ID: 91491030184 UUID: tK8w3ZDoSwKgzG5Y/7eHfw== Meeting Time: 2021-12-09T15:54:39Z
From Amanda Garcia
3 plays
AEM 2000 Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (2021SP) LectureZoom Recording ID: 94155485003 UUID: GndmiJVIT4qQvrEVKVTMUQ== Meeting Time: 2021-04-05T15:10:37Z
From Chris Barrett
0 plays
Lesson 19.6 Immutable Dictionary FunctionsSince we can loop over dictionaries, that means we probably want to use them in functions with accumulators. In this video we show how to do this and why they are not that much different from lists.
From Hannah Lee
73 plays
Lesson 7.3 PreconditionsThe one thing that we have not talked about yet are the preconditions in a specification. However, as this video shows, they are arguably the most important part of the specification. They are what…
From Hannah Lee
82 plays
Zoom Sep. 8. Visualizing VariablesIn this class we do some interactive demos in which try to understand how to visualize and work with variables.Obviously you should watch Module 2 before attending this class. Our goal in this class…
From Hannah Lee
96 plays
Lesson 1.6 Complex ExpressionsIn out introduction of the basic types of Python, we saw a lot of different operations. What happens when we start to mix these operations together? As we see in this video, we have to worry about…
From Hannah Lee
177 plays
Lesson 1.2 Int ExpressionsThe most familiar type in Python is int, the set of integers. It supports all of the basic mathematical expressions that you expect, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However,…
From Hannah Lee
199 plays
ACVECC Exam Webinar April 2019Webinar hosted by Bobbi Conner, ACVECC Exam Committee Chair about the ACVECC Exam
From Daniel Fletcher
549 plays
09 - Commentary - ReardonThe Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Education and Equality of…
From Carrie Chalmers
10 plays