Search for tag: "glucose"

April 25, 2023 - David E. Block, Ph.D., Creating Real Steak Without the Cow

David E. Block, PhD Professor and Marvin Sands Department Chair Department of Viticulture and Enology, Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of California, Davis Creating Real Steak…

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From  Leto Solla 25 plays

Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Diana Thomas, PhD

Seminar title: “What my calculus class tells me about the response to diets”

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From  Nidhi Shrestha 22 plays

20220808_Watt Webb Symposium_Afternoon Session One

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From  Cheri Sigmund 5 plays

ANSC 605: Lecture 34

+19 More
From  Kelly Heath 15 plays

ANSC 605: Lecture 22

+19 More
From  Kelly Heath 11 plays

ANSC 605: Lecture 13

+19 More
From  Kelly Heath 2 plays

ANSC 605: Lecture 12 02/17/95

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From  Kelly Heath 10 plays

Cornell Wellness Community Chat: Nutrition & Fitness to Support Blood Sugar Balance

As we head into the holiday season filled with celebrations, one thing they all have in common is an abundance of delicious food. So, how can we enjoy these foods in a healthful way? Watch Nutrition…

From  Jeremy Stewart 18 plays

CAM Colloquium - Erika Camacho (4/30/21)

Zoom Recording ID: 95217932087 UUID: DdBrSt0SSGypvpbW+RTfbg== Meeting Time: 2021-04-30T19:17:55Z

+19 More
From  Erika Fowler-Decatur 7 plays

Cornell Wellness What's the Best Diet Workshop

With all the nutrition trends circulating in the media, how do we know how to choose the BEST diet? Join Cornell Wellness staff Jeremy Stewart for this workshop that will provide you with nutrition…

From  Jeremy Stewart 299 plays

Advanced Fluid Therapy: ACVECC Exam Webinar July 23, 2019

+97 More
From  Daniel Fletcher 877 plays

Blood Glucose Test

From  Dave Frank 88 plays