Search for tag: "curve"

Week 2 lecture part II

From  Saurab Prabhakar 2 plays

Week 2 lecture part I

From  Saurab Prabhakar 8 plays

Lecture 31 supplement: Euler thm, Spherical blackboard

Andy at spherical blackboard.

From  Andy Ruina 13 plays

Session 3 of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication

Session Chair: Thijs Roumen Keynote by Kelly Delp (Cornell University) Gradient-Based Dovetail Joint Shape Optimization for Stiffness Xingyuan Sun, Chenyue Cai, Ryan P. Adams and Szymon…

From  Thijs Roumen 39 plays

Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Diana Thomas, PhD

Seminar title: “What my calculus class tells me about the response to diets”

From  Nidhi Shrestha 22 plays

9.21.21 Chamsi Hssaine, Cornell University

Zoom Recording ID: 97325240794 UUID: ZwWuEJtZQvmDES3kHFMl6g== Meeting Time: 2021-09-20T19:32:52Z

From  Jordan Staiti 52 plays

Informal Theory Seminar

Zoom Recording ID: 96116630382 UUID: Kd+X8yCPRVyewVdQCocOIA== Meeting Time: 2021-07-08T19:00:53Z

From  Eunah Kim 4 plays

CAM Colloquium - Erika Camacho (4/30/21)

Zoom Recording ID: 95217932087 UUID: DdBrSt0SSGypvpbW+RTfbg== Meeting Time: 2021-04-30T19:17:55Z

From  Erika Fowler-Decatur 7 plays

Digital Life Seminar | Andre Esteva

From  Michael Byrne 11 plays

Making Mozzarella at Home: Harvest Kitchen Class 3/18/2021

Zoom Recording ID: 91457709971 UUID: qQoZw/JvSIqPWjZfvw2qmA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-18T16:52:47Z

From  Maria Filippi 61 plays

Lesson 17.11 Graphical Recursion

Fractals are shapes that look the same when you magnify them larger and larger. This is another example of recursion. In this video we introduce the drawing turtle and show how we use it to draw…

From  Hannah Lee 98 plays

ORIE 4580 - Lecture 8 - 0929

From  Sid Banerjee 84 plays

Session 2: Bargaining Power

2018-01-30 00:00:00+00

From  Donald Bazley 1,088 plays

Milstein Invited Lecture - Phil Zimmermann

Zoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: mZ1ztoAtR22wXeIQs0Cm0g== Meeting Time: 2020-07-30T23:46:15Z

From  Tapan Parikh 24 plays

MAE 4710/5710 Applied Dynamics

Zoom Recording ID: 200816800 UUID: c3FfcQdKT+avYJo+fOVlig== Meeting Time: 2020-04-27T16:10:29Z

From  Andy Ruina 3 plays

Mathmatical Modeling Infectious Disease III

Our third and final session will have two presentations “Prediction of hospital demand from the COVID-19 death curve: IHME Model” and “Molecular epidemiology of SARS-Cov-2: what…

From  Dave Frank 50 plays