Brad Rickard and Miguel Gomez Afternoon session for the 2022 Outlook Conference Fruit & Vegetables
Questions and answers following the the presentation "FeedBackFuits: Peer learning and group evaluation use cases"
Deena Thomas, Postdoctoral fellow in the Division of Nutritional Sciences, will share her experience using FeedbackFruits peer review to facilitate group work in a Public Health course.
Meejeong Song, Senior lecturer and Coordinator of the Korean Language Program in Asian Studies, will present findings based on her experience of incorporating peer review to improve student writing…
Jessica Fanzo, PhD
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Global
Food Policy and Ethics, John Hopkins University
Food Systems Transformation: Possible, But Not Without Challenges
In the…
Zoom Recording ID: 97496627679
UUID: jzSnU1xZTJaGeRx/JI6cYw==
Meeting Time: 2021-01-22T19:34:35Z
In this video, Erin Harner, Cornell Wellness Registered Dietitian Nutritionist introduces what to eat to enhance gut health.
With all the nutrition trends circulating in the media, how do we know how to choose the BEST diet? Join Cornell Wellness staff Jeremy Stewart for this workshop that will provide you with nutrition…