Search for tag: "bed"

Basic Vegetable Gardening for the Zaloga American Legion Post

Zoom Recording ID: 94996923255 UUID: rspY7LWHQ6+NTlwklkO/Xw== Meeting Time: 2023-05-15 02:10:09pmGMT

From  Carole Henry 18 plays

Introduction to Herbs - Growing, Using, and Drying by John Martin, Albany Master Gardener for DOT April 24, 2023

Zoom Recording ID: 94189973093 UUID: xoMF2csdRr2xxMLrFW0a0w== Meeting Time: 2023-04-24 03:50:50pmGMT

From  Carole Henry 33 plays

Book Club Welcome Video

Welcome Video for Wellness' Spring Book Club

From  Jeremy Stewart 93 plays

MGV Training Fall 2021 Oct. 14th Vegetable Gardening Dr. Reiner

Zoom Recording ID: 93557789527 UUID: yoC7YliLRmeMwXzoEZ4bfQ== Meeting Time: 2021-10-14T13:32:25Z

From  Carole Henry 29 plays

8.25.20 Cation Exchange for High Acid High pH Wines

Misha Kwasniewski and Chris Gerling describe a winemaking practice for dealing with high pH - high acid wines called Cation Exchange, which uses a medium to replace K+ ions in the wine with H+,…

From  Tim Martinson 115 plays

Searching for Spineless Wonders in the Ocean

Drew Harvell’s research uses Cornell’s Blaschka collection of glass invertebrates as a time capsule to find and film the living matches of these specimens in today’s oceans on SCUBA…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 119 plays

Mathmatical Modeling of COVID II

From  Dave Frank 76 plays