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Basic Vegetable Gardening for the Zaloga American Legion PostZoom Recording ID: 94996923255 UUID: rspY7LWHQ6+NTlwklkO/Xw== Meeting Time: 2023-05-15 02:10:09pmGMT
From Carole Henry
19 plays
Introduction to Herbs - Growing, Using, and Drying by John Martin, Albany Master Gardener for DOT April 24, 2023Zoom Recording ID: 94189973093 UUID: xoMF2csdRr2xxMLrFW0a0w== Meeting Time: 2023-04-24 03:50:50pmGMT
From Carole Henry
33 plays
MGV Training Fall 2021 Oct. 14th Vegetable Gardening Dr. ReinerZoom Recording ID: 93557789527 UUID: yoC7YliLRmeMwXzoEZ4bfQ== Meeting Time: 2021-10-14T13:32:25Z
From Carole Henry
31 plays
8.25.20 Cation Exchange for High Acid High pH WinesMisha Kwasniewski and Chris Gerling describe a winemaking practice for dealing with high pH - high acid wines called Cation Exchange, which uses a medium to replace K+ ions in the wine with H+,…
From Tim Martinson
132 plays
Searching for Spineless Wonders in the OceanDrew Harvell’s research uses Cornell’s Blaschka collection of glass invertebrates as a time capsule to find and film the living matches of these specimens in today’s oceans on SCUBA…
From Kenny Berkowitz
121 plays