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11.19.21 Colin Raffel, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Zoom Recording ID: 471873857 UUID: SwRtiQ0IT+y+Pg5XIePVnw== Meeting Time: 2021-11-19T16:55:37Z

+19 More
From  Jordan Staiti 36 plays

Tao Long - PeopleSoft Managed Services

+21 More
From  Ron Henry 18 plays

Patch Tuesday - Restart Computer

Patch Week is always the second Tuesday of the month and may include Windows, Microsoft and other third party software updates. Please be sure to give yourself extra time for start up and shut down…

+19 More
From  Christi Smith 7 plays

Patch Week - Update and Restart

Patch Week is always the second Tuesday of the month and may include Windows, Microsoft and other third party software updates. Please be sure to give yourself extra time for start up and shut down…

+19 More
From  Christi Smith 43 plays

Check Windows Update status

From  Christi Smith 16 plays

PC Maintenance, Security & Best Practices

Additional information and resources:Cleaning and disinfecting devices: NetID management - …

+15 More
From  Christi Smith 56 plays

Tuesday Tech Tips/FLIT Edition ft. More Zoom 2

Zoom Recording ID: 93173850621 UUID: eIVFcRmaTRmMUAA3jaMshg== Meeting Time: 2021-02-23T14:57:18Z

+19 More
From  Cate Sirek 1 plays

Managers Center on HR Website - Managers Forum 8/28

Ashley Fazio, Director of Communications VP-CHRO, shows updates to the HR Website and new resources available in the Managers Center webpages. Excerpt from Managers Forum, recorded August 28,…

+19 More
From  Gerald Deis 7 plays

Universal & Updatable Common Reference Strings for ZK-SNARKs - Anton Titov

+26 More
From  Steven Gallow 64 plays