Search for tag: "practices"

Health Systems Engineering Master of Engineering Pathway

Together with Weill Cornell Medicine, the Cornell Systems Engineering program has created a new Health Systems Engineering pathway in our M.Eng. degree, which can be completed either on campus or…

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From  E. Cornelius 1 plays

Amanda Domingues

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From  Sarah Day 16 plays

Immaculate conception of data: agribusiness, activists and their shared politics of the future with Kelly Bronson

Zoom Recording ID: 97704792974 UUID: 5iiTzYKkQCenO9sUbMythQ== Meeting Time: 2023-04-24 03:49:57pmGMT

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From  Eslie Medallon 21 plays

Protect your Future Publications Reproducibility Through Data Management Plans - Compliance and Security

From  Caiwei Zhang 3 plays

2022 CIDA Symposium Session 3: “Agricultural Climate Solutions”

Moderator: Dominic Woolf, Senior Research Associate, School of Integrative Plant Science Soil and Crop Sciences Section, Cornell University Guest Speakers: Emma Fuller, Corteva, Carbon and Ecosystem…

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From  Gabriela Cestero 4 plays

2022 CIDA Symposium Keynote: “Using satellites to advance climate-smart agriculture”

Moderator: Diane Bailey, Communication, Cornell UniversityGuest Speakers: David Lobell, Professor of Earth System Science, Stanford University/ Gloria and Richard Kushel Director of the Center on…

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From  Gabriela Cestero 11 plays

Symposium Dr Lisa Nishii

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From  Chris Tracy 137 plays

2021 CIDA Workshop_Sally Rockey-"Together We'll Go FFAR: Paving the Way for Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture"

"Together We'll Go FFAR: Paving the Way for Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture”Sally Rockey Executive Director, Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research…

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From  Gabriela Cestero 9 plays

Clip of CLCPA Policy Update 3-Greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities for New York working lands

Zoom Recording ID: 98349611425 UUID: DZfst8M/Q6epeMW2lENy5Q== Meeting Time: 2021-07-28T12:47:34Z

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From  Peter Landre 20 plays

2021 Tompkins County Ag Summit

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From  Mila Fournier 21 plays

2.17.21 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - Production Practices Affecting Fruit Quality in Cold Hardy Minnesota Cultivars

Amaya Atucha will discuss yield and vine vigor of cold climate cultivars in multiple training systems as well as fruit quality parameters and how they translate to wine quality. Annie Klodd will…

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From  Tim Martinson 325 plays

Humphrey Fellows Seminars- Mohsin and Tata

Zoom Recording ID: 92080568953 UUID: bqVWjy4aSmGOt7UgtuGvdg== Meeting Time: 2021-01-27T15:59:35Z

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From  Francine Barchett 6 plays

Complementary Feeding Practices in Kilifi County, Kenya

Abigail Agyapong is a senior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences majoring in Biological Sciences with minors in Global Health and Infectious Diseases. Abigail is passionate about health…

From  Diego Burga 38 plays

11.18.20 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - Sources and Sinks: How Viticultural Practices Modify Carbon Assimilation and Allocation

Presenters are Cain Hickey, statewide viticulture extension educator, Penn State, and Tim Martinson, senior extension associate, Cornell AgriTech.

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From  Tim Martinson 215 plays

From the nation to the individual: research on national nutritional indicators and individual breastfeeding practices - Consuelo Le

Consuelo (Connie) Le is a junior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Science with a minor in Infectious Disease. She is passionate about maternal and infant health,…

From  Diego Burga 43 plays

Teaching Strategies 2 - Writing & Reflection Activities

Teaching Strategies 2 - Writing & Reflection Activities (length: 7:48) from In-Person Teaching with Remote Students, Part A:Teaching students in socially-distanced classrooms with access for…

From  Cornell CTI 127 plays