Search for tag: "patches"

Patch Tuesday - Restart Computer

Patch Week is always the second Tuesday of the month and may include Windows, Microsoft and other third party software updates. Please be sure to give yourself extra time for start up and shut down…

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From  Christi Smith 7 plays

Patch Week - Update and Restart

Patch Week is always the second Tuesday of the month and may include Windows, Microsoft and other third party software updates. Please be sure to give yourself extra time for start up and shut down…

+19 More
From  Christi Smith 44 plays

Day of Data 2021: Scaling and Integrating Pipelines for Bioacoustics Big Data Analysis

Scaling and Integrating Pipelines for Bioacoustics Big Data Analysis, Laurel Symes, Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez, Stefan Kahl, Grant Van Horn, Drew Weber, Alvaro Vega-Hidalgo | Wednesday, January 27,…

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From  Sarah Wright 17 plays