Zoom Recording ID: 92198372865
UUID: xuvX+cM9T9KXHYrmRXpfGA==
Meeting Time: 2024-04-12 03:45:57pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99585096475
UUID: aOa/VZPoTGeacgbop2Doqw==
Meeting Time: 2024-03-14 03:30:35pmGMT
Sign in: https://login.canvas.cornell.edu/ Google Drive: https://it.cornell.edu/appsondemand/set-google-drive-file-stream-apps-demand?utm_source=main OneDrive:…
Dr. Julie Nucci, Cornell Emeritus. Zoom Recording ID: 99859207764
UUID: 0cOY1pPASnmtVdy0LbKIow==
Meeting Time: 2021-06-23T16:02:55Z
A workshop given by Traci Nathans-Kelly as part of Science Immersion 2018.
Kathy Burkgren, AVP of Organizational Development & Effectiveness, outlines Spring 2021 training offerings and provides updates on Performance@Cornell. Part of the Managers Forum, recorded…
ILR I Love Reading workshop with Mike Chen from the Learning Strategy Center
Misha Kwasniewski and Chris Gerling describe a winemaking practice for dealing with high pH - high acid wines called Cation Exchange, which uses a medium to replace K+ ions in the wine with H+,…
Introduction (length: 1:44) to In-Person Teaching with Remote Students, Part A:Teaching students in socially-distanced classrooms with access for remote students allows instructors to teach in person…
Zoom Recording ID: 98551959217
UUID: o98MtwrARsOJO6YJxufW+w==
Meeting Time: 2020-06-09T17:52:21Z