Search for tag: "bifurcation"

CAM Colloquium - Yulij Ilyashenko (11/20/20)

Zoom Recording ID: 95217932087 UUID: XeOXXTLdReaGoMkl0249tw== Meeting Time: 2020-11-20T20:15:03Z

+20 More
From  Erika Fowler-Decatur 3 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 2690923470 UUID: Jv1gV8QvTN2zkfUyJKMmhA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-25T19:49:20Z

+19 More
From  Ilya Amburg 2 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 2690923470 UUID: FVVuzutfQ5micNoRaXLz6A== Meeting Time: 2021-03-24T21:02:19Z

+19 More
From  Ilya Amburg 3 plays

CAM Colloquium - Lawrie Virgin: Identifying Chaos Using Spectral Content

The characterization of chaos as a random-like response from a deterministic dynamical system with an extreme sensitivity to initial conditions is well-established, and has provided a stimulus to…

From  E. Cornelius 21 plays

CAM Colloquium: Steven W. Shaw (Michigan St.) - Coupled Pendulums as Vibration Absorbers: how nonlinear dynamics will help improve automotive fuel economy

Friday, April 11, 2014 at 3:30pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 655 CAM Colloquium: Steven W. Shaw (Michigan St.) - Coupled Pendulums as Vibration Absorbers: how nonlinear dynamics will help improve…

+65 More
From  E. Cornelius 5 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2014-01-24 - Dáibhid Ó Maoiléidigh: The Babel Fish - Active Signal Detection in the Ear

From  E. Cornelius 4 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2014-04-11 - Steve Shaw: Coupled Pendulums as Vibration Absorbers - How Nonlinear Dynamics Will Help Improve Automotive Fuel Economy

+58 More
From  E. Cornelius 5 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-03-27 - Lawrie Virgin: Identifying Chaos Using Spectral Content

+101 More
From  E. Cornelius 20 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-09-04 - David Slater: Complexity Science in the Public Interest

+179 More
From  E. Cornelius 25 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-10-02 - Hansjorg Kielhofer: Some Aspects of Bifurcation Theory

+48 More
From  E. Cornelius 9 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2016-04-08 - Tim Healey: Wrinkling of Highly Stretched Elastic Sheets: Modeling, Computation, and Analysis

+59 More
From  E. Cornelius 16 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2017-04-14 - Henk A. Dijkstra: Vegetation pattern formation in a semi-arid climate

Abstract: Just by inspection of Earth’s surface using Google Earth, vegetation patterns of different type can be found in semi-arid climates such as in Mali and Niger. These patterns range…

From  E. Cornelius 10 plays

CAM Colloquium 2014-10-24 - Hinke Osinga: Computing Global Invariant Models - Techniques and Applications

From  E. Cornelius 51 plays


+27 More
From  Dave Frank 579 plays